ABC jesus Loves Me! Excellent bible study for pre-school

Which Curriculum Do I Choose?

2 Year Curriculum3 Year Curriculum Color4 Year Curriculum Color  5 Year Curriculum
Read the following information and use the table and Objective Pre and Post Checklists below to figure out which curriculum to use with your child.
Four curricula - 2 Year Curriculum, 3 Year Curriculum, 4 Year Curriculum, and 5 Year Curriculum - are the foundation of the ABCJLM site.  Each curriculum builds upon the other with a foundation of the Bible, academics, social skills, and preparation for Kindergarten being the goal.  All other pages and links on the site support the curriculum as well as provide the parent or teacher leading the curriculum with ample ideas.  You will find ideas to help with teaching, academic and Bible time, craft ideas, holidays, academic concepts, working on motor skills, and so much more.
Each curriculum is built around a 36-week time frame and structured to coincide with holidays.  However, you can begin the program whenever it is convenient for you and modify holiday activities.  36 Week Tables are included with each curriculum to help you do just that. 

How to Choose:

1st - Figure out how many years the child has before Kindergarten.  If possible, a child who has only one year should be doing the 4 or 5 Year Curriculum so that he or she is prepared for Kindergarten.
2nd - Use the Objective Pre and Post Checklist (below) to figure out what the child currently knows.
3rd - Compare the checklist with the table below.  Remember that there is more to the curriculum than academic objectives.

Information About Each Curricula:

2 Year CurriculumThe 2 Year Curriculum focuses on themes with corresponding Bible stories.  Bible stories are supported with memory verses, songs, and finger plays, poems or nursery rhymes.  Academically, 2-year-olds are introduced to colors, shapes, counting to 10, and saying letters.  The child is also taught self-care and manners along with personal information.  A "Book of the Week" introduces your child to some of the best preschool books in print according to ABCJLM users and our family.

3 Year Curriculum ColorThe 3 Year Curriculum consists of a chronological study of Bible stories starting in Genesis.  Each Bible story is supported with a memory verse, song, and finger play or nursery rhyme.  Academically, 3-year-olds learn colors, Letter of the Week consisting of the uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and basic math skills including shapes, sorting, spatial concepts, and patterns.  Gross and fine motor skill activities are also included in this curriculum.  A "Book of the Week" introduces your child to some of the best preschool books in print according to ABCJLM users and our family.

4 Year Curriculum ColorThe 4 Year Curriculum is geared toward those children who will be entering Kindergarten the next year.  It consists of the Fruits of the Spirit and character traits which are supported through Bible characters, memory verses, and songs.  Academically, 4-year-olds learn how to write their letters, numbers, name, phone number, address as well as learning about the seasons, senses, and tying a shoe to name a few.  Also basic math such as shapes, colors, spatial concepts, sorting, opposites, sequencing, and patterns are learned.  Gross and motor skill activities along with visual perception activities are also a part of this curriculum.

5 Year CurriculumThe 5 Year Curriculum is a Pre-K program for children who are older or more advanced.  The 5 Year Curriculum Bible themes focus on the meaning behind the Scripture instead of simply memorizing Bible stories. The child will learn what the Bible is, who God is, ways that God desires to help us, and how we need to live.  The 5 Year Curriculum focuses on writing the letters and identifying the letters in words.  Each week contains a sight word taken from the "Fry Instant Word" list.  According to Dr. Edward B. Fry, 25 of the 28 words introduced in the curriculum make up 1/3 of all items published.  Academically, the child is introduced to many early elementary concepts - coins, clock, addition, weather, and so much more.  Gross and motor skill activities along with visual perception activities are also a part of this curriculum.

"Which Curriculum Co I Choose?" Table

Which Curriculum Do I Choose?

 AgeYears until KindergartenChild Can:Notes:
2 Year Curriculum
3 or 4
 This curriculum is an introduction to learning the Bible and academic concepts.
3 Year Curriculum
2 or 3
Count to 10, Say ABC's, help with basic chores, basic self-care 
4 Year Curriculum
1 or 2
Write name, name and phonetic sounds of letters, can trace all letters and numbers, colors and shapes, spatial concepts, sorting, and patterns 
5 Year Curriculum
Write all letters and numbers; understands the phonetic meaning of letters; understands basic Bible stories; knows full name, address, and phone number; use the phone and call 911; is ready for basic sight words and may be ready to begin reading; has a greater attention span
This curriculum was written for children who are more advanced or "redshirting" Kindergarten due to their birth date, maturity, or other issue.
       (Return to Top)   

Objective Pre and Post Checklist

In education, teachers use pretests to determine what objectives need to be taught and posttests to evaluate whether the concepts were learned.  Below are assessment checklists that can be used to determine what your child knows and which curriculum to use.  All are based upon the curriculum's academic objectives.

Ideas and More Information:
  • Use as a precursor to learning or as a checklist to determine the level of academic learning that has occurred.
  • Do not approach these as a test or call them a test.  Strictly use these for your benefit to know what areas of learning still need to be addressed. 
  • It may be best to complete this chart over several small units of time instead of in one sitting.  Take your child's lead.
  • Collect the toys and manipulatives needed before beginning.
  • These worksheets are best printed in color.  Ask the child the name of the shape as well as its color. They are also available to order in the Curricula Workbooks.
  • Circle or mark the answers that are incorrect.
  • Skip any sections which the child is unable to do.  (i.e. If the child does not know the letters do not go through every letter to prove the point.)
  • Use different colored marking pens to denote what the child knew on the pretest vs the posttest.  (Idea from Jessica)
  • Click to read more information about tracing letters and number on the Tactile Letters and Numbers andLearning to Write pages.
  • Click to read our Developmental Guides to know what is developmentally appropriate for your child's age.
If you are using the checklist to decide which curricula to use with your child, I suggest that the child know at least 75% of each section of the checklist before moving to the next curriculum. If your child seems to be in between two different curricula, I would suggest that you fall back to the curriculum that is a step below.


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