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Montessori In Hong Kong

Montessori In Hong Kong
Programs + Schools
What is it all about anyway? With all the buzz around Montessori, Little Steps asked education partner ITS, to give us the scoop. Find out what the Montessori curriculum is all about and what schools offer it in Hong Kong!

Many more Montessori programs are geared towards kids' aged 3-6 than for any other age group, but this education method that traces its roots to Italian educator Dr. Maria Montessori goes beyond early childhood. Many infant/toddler programs (aged 2 months to 3 years) exist, as well as elementary (aged 6-12.)  Dr. Montessori started applying her methods in 1907 teaching poor children of the slums in Rome in 1907. She observed that a child shows an interest in acquiring a particular skill at specific ages, known as ‘sensitive periods’. During a child's sensitive period of language, a child would learn to talk. At other sensitive periods, he will demonstrate the same passion for precise movement, learning numbers and even interacting with children. The Montessori programme thus targets these periods.

A typical Montessori class consists of children of different ages and abilities who learn and practice working individually and in groups. They regularly ‘socialise’ and may choose to work on projects with other children or help the younger ones. Children range from 2 years 6 months to 5 or 6 years old. The idea behind this ‘vertical streaming’ is that the older children help to look after or set an example or even sometimes teach the younger students.

The teacher introduces children to materials, then remain a ‘silent presence’ in the classroom. Students ‘direct’ their own learning process, choosing among the sections from the curriculum.

The materials stimulate the children in independent learning by providing an impulse for spontaneous activities that are in harmony with their physical, mental and social phase of development.  Learning materials are displayed on open child-sized shelves, arranged to provide maximum eye appeal without clutter to ensure children receive the optimal benefits from working with the materials.
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ITS Education Asia
The Unique Hong Kong & Singapore Schools Guide


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