Affected-- is an understatement.

I was pretty sad to see this steep plunge in number of students taking literature in Singapore. While I have no issue about fewer students taking the exams, I do wish literature remains a subject that students can enjoy. Literature is truly a subject which I hold dear to my heart.

I lamented about this declining trend to my lit pals, whom we banded together since we were  branded as "the cushion in our science stream", since we were the "rojak" ones that took Physics, Literature, Maths C and Econs back in JC. Often, our class was the first from the back, in our Physics scores ranking.

Literature-- a subject that gave me endless joy. A subject which I valued for its ability to make me think (well physics made me think too! BUT not in the same way which I enjoyed).

A subject that made me:
- question status quo
- differenitate myself through thinking of multi-faceted perspectives
- allowed me to relate to my own experience and yet, transport myself to another realm and appreciate another person's perspective

In a multi-cultural society and a bounderless economy, isn't this the way forward?


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